What's the difference between RGB and CMYK formats?

Sunday, April 18, 2010
RGB is the primary color model used by electronic display devices such as a monitor. CMYK is the primary color model used by color printers. In RGB, images are created by combining red, green, and blue light. This additive process can create millions of different colors by using different concentrations of the primaries. CMYK, in contrast, creates different colors in a subtractive process using four colors or inks: cyan (blue), magenta (red), yellow, and black.

The differences between RGB and CMYK become crucial when desktop publishers attempt to move documents from their screens onto hard copy. There are many RGB colors that CMYK printers cannot reproduce. Something that looks good on the monitor may not look the same in print. Therefore, it will be best for you to check with the printing company as they can advise you on whether the quality of the images would be sufficient for your project.
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  • t-shirt screen printing

    I amend and approve digital artwork for t-shirt screen printing, and I find sometimes confusion crops up between CMYK and RGB colour modes. Here's a post I created for my customers so they're able to understand how these colours modes can effect their print outcome :)

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